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Cockroaches -How to Keep Them Out of Your House

pest control maryland

It is essential to recognize the bugs you have as roaches if you want to know if you have a cockroach infestation. American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and oriental cockroaches are the three most common varieties of cockroaches found in dwellings in Columbia, with which a pest control maryland can help.

Differentiating an American cockroach from a German cockroach is easy. Roaches from the United States can reach two to three inches, while the largest German cockroaches reach no more than an inch. Roughly an inch in length is roughly average for an Oriental cockroach. 

Dangers to Your Health From Roaches

Infestations by cockroaches can spread disease. They contaminate whatever they touch with the bacteria and viruses in their excrement, which they then step in.

Cockroaches can spread various diseases, some of which are listed here.

Especially in youngsters, cockroaches are a major allergen and can trigger severe asthma attacks. You can learn if you are allergic to roach poop by taking an allergy test. Cockroach feces and pheromones can trigger an allergic reaction in some people.

Cockroach Avoidance in Five Easy Steps

Knowing how to prevent cockroaches if you have ever had an infestation or are worried about obtaining some unwelcome new housemates is crucial.

Here are five things you can do to keep cockroaches from making your house their new home.

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