6 Surprising Facts About Personal Injury Law That You Need to Know in 2023

Personal injury law implies that an organization or an individual harms you because of constant negligence. As per this law, you can pursue legal claims against the person who has caused you any physical or mental loss. 

For filing the case, people hire the Law Office of Brian P. Azemika, a personal injury lawyer who understands all legal terms and helps you get maximum compensation. They study your case closely and explain what monetary compensation you can get. 

If you’ve suffered any injuries recently under personal injury law, keep reading. This article will highlight seven facts about personal injury law that you need to know in 2023. Here we go! 

6 Surprising Facts About Personal Injury Law That You Need to Know in 2023

1. Each Personal Injury Case is Unique 

Personal injury law covers car accidents and all situations in which you get injured due to another person’s or company’s negligence. Some examples include falls, slips, nursing home negligence, long-term disability, and trips. 

2. Personal Injury Lawsuits can be Settled Outside of court.

Personal injury lawsuits do not include civil court proceedings. Whereas most cases are solved outside the courtroom. Both parties try to settle down and agree on a particular amount. 

See also  Commercial litigation can be complex and time-consuming

3. Time Limit to Make Claims 

Personal injury law cases generally have a time limit. Mostly, the time limit is two years from the incident. Certain incidents, such as car accidents and others, are expected to follow this rule.  

4. Fees are Paid After the Case 

Most personal injury lawyers are paid once the case is closed or on a contingency fee basis, wherein the lawyer is paid only if you win the case. If by any chance you lose it, no fee is paid to the attorneys. This fee is usually a percentage of the compensation you receive.

5. Time Period to Settle the Case 

Generally, the case takes 3-5 years to settle. Sometimes, this time period may increase or decrease as well. Since it can become frustrating for you, it is explained beforehand. In this case, documents like income loss and injury should be present. 

6. Follows Comparative Negligence Rule

In some places, a comparative negligence rule is followed, where you will be given 50% of the total compensation if you’re found partially responsible for the incident. Based on the total percentage of your fault, this percentage decreases. 

Wrapping Up!

Personal injury laws can vary based on the specific circumstances of your case. Ensure you contact an experienced lawyer to understand your case’s complexity. 

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